Protein play a vital role in the production of muscles and popular for devoting mass and strength to the body. Protein repair the wear and tear in tissues and helps to make new tissue. When we exercise certain changes in the structure of muscles is noticed. Protein heal and repair this structure with amino acids present in it.
A study have claimed that protein fight with different problems. It also control the blood pressure. Average intake of protein for men who have sedentary schedule, should be 56g per day. However, this should be lesser for housewives 46 grams per day. Some other factor such as physical movement of body part, condition of body and muscles mass also depend on protein intake. People opt dietary product or supplement to gain protein. If you do not want to opt for these products then you can eat these low cost and high protein food.
1. Chicken breast.
Non- veg is the most popular rich protein food. It is found in chicken breast in high amount than any other meat. It is low in calorie and rich in protein. That is why, people choose this food mostly bodybuilders to loose body fat.
A chicken breast has 100 gram serving size contain 31 gram of protein.
2. Greek yogurt
Green yogurt have several health benefits due to replete content of calcium, protein, iodine and B-12. High content of calcium increase the bone strength and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
Greek yogurt is a good source of protein help to gain mass. It also helps to control blood pressure in the nervous system and boost metabolism. Greek yogurt is a complete diet that provide carbohydrates, protein and fat in adequate amount.
3. Milk
The nutritional value of milk is very high which provide all nutrients to the body. The milk contain good amount of amino acids. Milk is also popular for essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B-12, calcium and phosphorus. Milk is easy source to have protein. One cup of milk contain 8 gram of protein. People choose milk as a complete diet for their children.
4. Egg
Egg are natural diet to gain protein in rich amount. Eggs are preferable diet for body builders and sports players. One egg contain 6 gram of protein. This food can be cook in different ways like, boiling roasting and can be eat as a omelet. People use different recipes to cook eggs.
5. Oats
Oats are good source of protein and healthiest food in grain. Oats are gluten free and easy to digest in body. It has high proportion of antioxidant, minerals and fiber.
Oats can be prepared by boiling oats in milk. The addition of milk make a complete nutrition food for our body and to get rid of various problems like fluctuation in blood pressure, and heart diseases. Oats are perfect diet for people, who are suffering with high blood sugar.
6. Almonds
Almonds promote growth of body through providing it mandatory nutrients such as vitamin E, manganese, fibre and magnesium. Almond can also used with the addition of milk.
Almonds help in different health related problem and management of weight. It gives relief to diabetes patient because it provide riboflavin, calcium, vitamin E and magnesium. About 23 almond provide 6 grams of protein and rich amount of fat, about 14 grams per ounce.
7. Broccoli
It is a type of green vegetables that is full of vitamin K, fiber, iron and vitamin C. Broccoli is commonly used vegetables to gain protein and other nutrients and easy too cook but consuming it raw and with light steam gives more benefits then cooking.
Broccoli provide necessary amount of protein and helps to fight with diseases. Antioxidants present in this vegetable boost up immune system, vitamin helps to increase the bone health alleviate blood clotting. About 91 grams of broccoli give 3g of protein.
These are well known nuts for protein. Peanuts are prominent diet for bodybuilders and sportsmen to gain adequate amount of protein. According to different studies, its is found that protein help in weight loss.
Peanut are rich protein, fat, fibre and calories diet. The amount of protein found in peanut is of two types, arachin and conarachin. It could be worse for people who have allergy from peanuts. Peanut provide 26 grams of protein, per 100 gram of serving size.
9.Cottage cheese
Cottage cheese have different nutritions such as phosphorus selenium, calcium, vitamin B12, The protein value of cottage cheese is 12 grams per 100 gram of cheese. The taste of this cheese is also different and present in market in distinct variety. Cottage cheese help to prevent the heart diseases and diabetes.
A study has claim that eating calcium and protein rich cottage cheese help to promote the production of insulin in the body.
10. Pork loin
Pork loin has 143 calories and 26 gram of protein. This non-veg food is highest sources of protein. Lean beef have vitamins, zinc and selenium. Lean pork is a category of white meat.
Pork meat is a dietary protein that helps to grow muscles. It also contain thiamin, niacin, riboflavin and vitamin B. These are the nutrients that are beneficial for nervous system, and mental health.
11. Salmon
Salmon is ocean food rich in fatty acids. It have nutrients that lower the risk of diseases. Salmon fish contain 22-25 grams of protein that increase muscles mass, and convert fat into energy. Potassium present in salmon fish, reduce the blood pressure problem.
12. Beef
Beef is another category of non-veg food, have high protein amount. It has high content of lean protein, almost 26 grams of per 100 grams. High quality cooked beef have amino acids and improve the health.
Niacin (Vitamin B3) in the beef's meat provide appropriate function to the body. Niacin is vitamin that mitigate the risk of heart diseases. Vitamin B-6 escalate the production of blood and provide energy to body parts.
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