Diabetes is chronic condition of body that occur only when sugar level in the blood increase to upper level. In this condition glucose is not properly transmitted to cells and left in blood. Whole process of absorption of glucose in blood is held by insulin. This insulin is develop by pancreas. In this condition, our body stop producing insulin in the body, which stop the whole process of absorbing glucose.
Different foods, that we eat are a form of carbohydrate, later these foods are converted into glucose. When insulin is not able to convert glucose into cell, then proportion of glucose increased continuously. This condition is known as hyperglycaemia. This glucose slowly damage cells and tissue in the body and triggered major health problem such as kidney failure, slow blood clotting, heart problem and blurry vision.
Types of diabetes.
Diabetes are divided into three categories- type 1, type 2 and gestational diabetes.
Type-1 diabetes
In type-1 diabetes, body immune system destroy all cell that are accountable for producing insulin in the body. In this case, glucose flow out with blood and body is unable to transform this glucose into energy. This diabetes attacks on children and young age people. To maintain the the insulin amount in body, they need daily injection to use the glucose amount in the blood.
Symptoms noticed in type-1 diabetes are.
- Blurry vision
- Fatigue
- Dry mouth
- Continuous urination
- Low weight
Type-2 diabetes
In type-2 diabetes, pancreas does not form insulin in adequate amount. As a result of this, glucose left in blood and become the reason for different major diseases. This diseases is found in older adults. However, this type is extending in children and young adults as well due to physical activity and junk foods.
Symptoms noticed in type-2 diabetes are.
- Dry mouth
- Late healing of wounds
- Weak vision
- Fatigue and low energy
- Tingling in body parts
Gestational diabetes
Gestational diabetes is a condition of high blood glucose level during pregnancy. This problem occur in both mother and child. However, after the pregnancy stage this problem disappear in mother but infant have the greater chance of increasing type-2 diabetes in young age.
Best exercises to get relief from diabetes.
Exercise help to increase the blood circulation in the body. When we do some intensive exercises our body works in different way. Our body burn glucose from the blood and use it as a fuel to form energy in the body. Thus, this help to reduce the sugar level from the body.
Moderate exercises also lower the risk of diabetes. In active state, muscles emit glucose for fuel and used as energy. People can opt for simple exercises to lower the risk of diabetes.
1. Cycling.
This exercise is very simple and popular in all ages people and help to strengthen the legs muscles and increase working time. This is the best exercise for people who are suffering with arthritis problem, because this exercise have less impact on the lower joint.
2. Brisk walking
If you are at initial stage of arthritis and have lower joint pain then you are susceptible to do brisk walking exercise. This brisk walking is slower than running and slightly faster than walking. Before going for a walk wear comfortable shoes and dress.
3. Swimming
Swimming is another activity that give less stress to joints. It increase the bone density, structure and flexibility. People, who know swimming can opt this exercise to control their diabetes.
4. Dancing
Dancing is a free exercise that affect on diabetes and other problems in a effective way. Dancing help to increase the flow of blood in blood vessels and help to absorb sugar present in blood.
5. Yoga
Yoga is a traditional exercise that is beneficial for different health problems such as mental illness, digestive problems, weak eyesight, control blood pressure etc.
Strength exercises for diabetes.
1. Weightlifting
Training your body twice a weak help to control the glucose level in the blood and strengthen the muscles. After intensive exercise there is a tear in muscles tissues and not able to perform more. These muscle' s tissue absorb glucose from the blood and repair these tissues. As a result, our body become more energetic to do hard workout.
2. Resistance bands
With the resistance band you can target whole body muscles with different exercise techniques. This exercise also help to strengthen muscles, and control diabetes.
Benefits of doing exercises regularly.
- Increase muscles strength
- Boost energy
- Improve mental health
- Reduce obesity
- Control blood pressure
- Reduce the risk of heart diseases
- Improve bone density and structure
- Promotes the level of good cholesterol (HDL)
Regular exercise is the treatment, not particularly works on single problem. It reduce many health related problem and make our body free from diseases. It is possible only when, if we do these exercises in routine. People, who are suffering with major diseases and not able to do exercises, then they can start from easy one.
Physical activity is must in diabetes. Without activity our body is not able to absorb sugar from blood, which could become the reason of different problems.
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